Yi Zhao’s Publications:
Complete tripartite subgraphs of balanced tripartite graphs with large minimum degree (with Yihan Chen, Jialin He, Allan Lo, Cong Luo, and Jie Ma).
Turan number of complete multipartite graphs in multipartite graphs (with Jie Han).
Asymptotics of Ramsey numbers of double stars
(with Sergey Norin and Yue Ru Sun).
Published or accepted
The number of cliques in hypergraphs with forbidden subgraphs, Discrete Mathematics 348 (2025), Paper No. 114415, 7pp (with Ayush Basu and Vojtěch Rödl)
Independence number of hypergraphs under degree conditions, Random Structures & Algorithms, 63 (2023), no. 3, 821–863 (with Vojtěch Rödl and Marcelo Sales)
On subgraphs of tripartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 113152, 4pp (with Abhijeet Bhalkikar)
Shadows of 3-uniform hypergraphs under a minimum degree condition, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36 (2022), no. 4, 2523-2533 (with Zoltan Furedi).
Complete subgraphs in a multipartite graph Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 31 (2022), no. 6, 1092-1101 (with Allan Lo, and Andrew Treglown).
Turan number of disjoint triangles in 4-partite graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2022), P2.35, 15pp (with Jie Han).
Minimum degree thresholds for Hamilton (k/2)-cycles in k-uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 153 (2022), 105–148
(with Hiep Han and Jie Han).
Rainbow pancyclicity in graph systems, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2021), P3.24, 9pp
(with Yangyang Cheng and Guanghui Wang).
Improved bounds on the Ramsey number of fans, European Journal of Combinatorics 96 (2021), 103347, 7pp (with Guantao Chen and Xiaowei Yu).
Triangle-degrees in graphs and tetrahedron coverings in 3-graphs, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 30 (2021), no. 2, 175–199
(with Victor Falgas-Ravry and Klas Markström).
Existence thresholds and Ramsey properties of random posets,
Random Structures & Algorithms 57 (2020), no. 4, 1097–1133 (with Victor Falgas-Ravry, Klas Markström, and Andrew Treglown).
Hamiltonicity in randomly perturbed hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, 144 (2020) 14-31 (with Jie Han).
Matchings in k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs, Journal of graph theory 95 (2020), 34–58
(with Jie Han and Chuanyun Zang).
Vertex degree sums for matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26 (2019), P4.5, 17pp (with Yi Zhang and Mei Lu).
Codegree conditions for tiling complete k-partite k-graphs and loose cycles, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28 (2019), no. 6, 840-870
(with Wei Gao and Jie Han).
Vertex degree sums for perfect matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2018), no 3, Paper 45, 16pp (with Yi Zhang and Mei Lu).
Tiling Tripartite Graphs with 3-Colorable Graphs: The Extreme Case, Graph and Combinatorics 34 (2018) no. 5, 1049-1075
(with Kirsten Hogenson and
Ryan Martin).
Codegree Turan density of complete r-uniform hypergraphs, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 32 (2018), 1154–1158
(with Allan Lo).
A degree version of the Hilton-Milner theorem, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 155 (2018), 493-502
(with Peter Frankl, Jie Han, and Hao Huang).
New upper bound for sums of dilates, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24 (2017), no 3, Paper 37, 7pp.
(with Albert Bush).
Exact minimum codegree threshold for K-4-factors, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 26 (2017), 856-885
(with Jie Han, Allan Lo, and Andrew Treglown).
Degree versions of the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem and Erdos hypergraph matching conjecture, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 150 (2017), 233-247
(with Hao Huang).
Minimum vertex degree thresholds for tiling complete 3-partite 3-graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 149 (2017), 115–147
(with Jie Han and Chuanyun Zang).
On the
structure of oriented graphs and digraphs with forbidden tournaments or cycles , Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 124 (2017), 88–127
(with Daniela Kühn,
Deryk Osthus, and Timothy Townsend).
Codegree thresholds for covering 3-uniform hypergraphs, SIAM Journal on Discrete
Mathematics 30 (2016), 1899–1917
(with Victor Falgas-Ravry).
Forbidding Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A,
143 (2016) 107–115 (with Jie Han).
A note on perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2016), P1.16 14pp
(with Andrew Treglown).
Recent advances on Dirac-type problems for hypergraphs, Recent Trends in Combinatorics, the IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 159. Springer, New York, 2016. Vii 706. ISBN: 978-3-319-24296-5.
Minimum vertex
degree threshold for loose Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 114 (2015), 70–96.
(with Jie Han).
Minimum codegree threshold for Hamilton l-cycles in k-uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 132 (2015) 194–223
(with Jie Han).
Minimum vertex
degree threshold for C43-tiling, Journal of graph theory, 79 (2015), 300–317
(with Jie Han).
Exact minimum degree thresholds for perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs II, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 120 (2013), 1463-1482
(with Andrew Treglown).
multipartite Hajnal-Szemerédi theorems, Discrete
Mathematics 313 (2013),
1119-1129 (with Jie Han).
Turán densities of some
related to Kkk+1, SIAM Journal on Discrete
Mathematics 26 (2012), 1609-1617 (with József Balogh, Tom Bohman, and Béla Bollobás).
Exact minimum degree
thresholds for perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 119 (2012) 1500-1522
(with Andrew Treglown).
Hamilton cycles
will all small even chords, Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012)
1226-1240 (with Guantao Chen, Katsuhiro Ota, and Akira Saito).
degree thresholds for bipartite graph tiling, Journal of graph theory 70 (2012), 92-120
(with Albert Bush).
Proof of the
(n/2 - n/2 - n/2) Conjecture for large n, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18 (2011), no 1, Research Paper
27, 61 pp.
Complete Coverage Algorithms to Partial Coverage Algorithms for Wireless Sensor
Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 22
(2011), no. 4, pp. 695-703 (with Yingshu Li, Chinh Vu, Chunyu Ai, and Guantao Chen).
tripartite graphs with 3-colorable graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16
(2009), no 1, Research Paper 109, 16 pp.
(with Ryan Martin).
An exact result
for hypergraphs and upper bounds for the Turán density of Krr+1, SIAM
Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23 (2009), no 3, 1324-1334 (with Linyuan Lu).
graph tiling, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23 (2009),
no 2, 888-900.
complete hypergraph as traces, Graph & Combinatorics 23 (2007) no 6, 667-679 (with Mubayi)
Codegree problems for projective geometries, Journal
of Combinatorial Theory B 96 (2007), no 6. 919-928(with Peter Keevash).
density of hypergraphs, Journal of
Combinatorial Theory A 114 (2007), no 6, 1118-1132 (with Mubayi).
On the VC-dimension
of Uniform Hypergraphs, Journal
of Algebraic Combinatorics 25 (2007),
no 1, 101-110 (with Mubayi).
The DNF exception
problem, Theoretical Computer Science 352 (2006) 85-96 (with
Mubayi and Gyorgy Turán).
Turán-type problems, Journal of Combinatorial
Theory A 111 (2005) no 1, 106-110 (with Mubayi).
On a Tiling
Conjecture for 3-chromatic graphs, Discrete Mathematics 277 (2004),
no 1-3, 171-191 (with Shokoufandeh).
On a two-sided Turán problem, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 10
(2003), no 1, Research Paper 42, 17 pp.
(with Dhruv
Proof of a
Conjecture of Komlós, Random Structures &
Algorithms 23 (2003), no 2, 180-205 (with Ali Shokoufandeh).