Igor Belykh Ph.D., Professor. Lab Director. |
Kelvin Rozier Ph.D., Lecturer. |
Longkun Tang Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor. Research interests: Dynamics of complex networks. |
Research interests: Dynamical networks, neuronal dynamics, phase oscillators, chimera states. |
Research Interests: Data-driven models of human brain, reconstruction of functional connectivity from iEEEG data, neuronal models, machine learning. |
Research Interests: Dynamics and control of on-off stochastic and evolving dynamical networks, mathematical analysis and modelling of ecological and bio-mechanical networks, dynamics of nonsmooth oscillators. |
Kelley Smith Research Interests: Engineering and biological networks |
Jonathan Lopez |
Ratislav Krylov |
Sajiya Jalil Received a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Bioinformatics Concentration) in 2012. Ph.D. Thesis: "Stability analysis
of phase-locked bursting in inhibitory neuron networks."
Kun Zhao Received a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Bioinformatics Concentration) in 2012. Ph.D. Thesis: "Mathematical methods
for network analysis, proteomics, and disease prevention."
Reimbay Reimbayev Received a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Bioinformatics Concentration) in 2017. Ph.D. Thesis: "
Synchronization in Neuronal Networks with Electrical and Chemical Coupling."
Malcom Devoe Received a M.S. degree in Mathematics (Scientific Computing Concentration) in 2012. M.S. Thesis: "Cellular
neural networks with switching connections."
Victor Bailey NSF REU student.
Megan ShellmanUndergraduate student funded under a grant from the US Army
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP). Received B.S in Computer Science in 2016.
Shaina Morgan
High school student funded under a grant from the US Army
High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP).
Graduated from Westlake High School in 2017.