Numerical Analysis


Numerical Analysis I

WebEx Link

Course WebEx link.


  • Grade of C or higher in Math 2215 Multivariate Calculus or equivalent.

  • The ability to program in a high-level language such as MATLAB or Python.


Numerical Analysis, Burden and Faires, 10th edition. Brooks/Cole (Cengage Learning).


  • Introductory concepts and calculus review

  • Root finding for nonlinear equations, fixed point theory

  • Interpolation and approximation theory

  • Numerical differentiation and integration

  • Least squares fitting and approximation theory

Course Slides

Lecture slides are posted on here.

Homework Assignments

Students must follow homework policy and instruction to complete and submit homework assignments on iCollege.

Computer Programming

Computer coding in a high-level programming language is a necessary component of this course. For more information, see the course coding guide.

Conduct Policy

Any type of inappropriate conduct may result in your being administratively dropped from the course. See the University's Policy on Disruptive Behavior in Georgia State University Code of Conduct.