Systems Biology


Systems Biology


  • The format for this class departs from convention in computational modeling courses and is designed to be accessible to Math and Biology and other science majors who wish to gain a fundamental understanding of how to approach biological question using mathematical and computational tools. Our approach is to introduce the material in a top-down manner first, through the use of literature-available models, and then build back up through application of gained knowledge to a new model. We will use Covid-19 as an example system to explore and develop mathematical models, focusing on host-immune response and treatment, with possibilities for extension to disease progression, vaccination, and epidemiology modeling.


Admission to a Graduate Program in Math, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Computer Science


  • A First Course in Systems Biology, E.O. Voit. Garland Science, 2nd Edition, 2017.
  • An Introduction to Systems Biology, Design Principles of Biology Circuits, Uri Alon. Chapman &Hall/CRC., 2006.
  • Physical Biology of the Cell, 2nd Edition, Phillips, Kondev, Theriot and Garcia. Garland Science, 2013.
  • Course Materials

    All course materials are provided on iCollege.

    Conduct Policy

    Any type of inappropriate conduct may result in your being administratively dropped from the course. See the University's Policy on Disruptive Behavior in Georgia State University Code of Conduct.